MEMS - Mississippians for Emergency Medical Services


  Deer Island Ship Island B Ship Island A
Monday, Oct 14 Pre-conference (3 hr class)    
1300 - 1400 Peer Support - Support    
1400 - 1500 Peer Support - Support    
1500 - 1600 Peer Support - Support    
1600 - 1700 MS Advocacy - NAEMT    
1730 - 1830 Welcome Reception     
Tuesday, Oct 15 Main Conference Breakout Sessions Breakout Sessions
0700 - 0800 Breakfast  Breakfast  Breakfast 
0800 - 0900 All Aorta - Pipe Problemz NREMT Update AEMT Skills Derby
0900 - 1015 Post Traumatic Growth Human Trafficking AEMT Skills Derby
1015 - 1030 Break Break AEMT Skills Derby
1030 - 1145 Cross Examining Crucifixion Cultivating Young Leadership AEMT Skills Derby
1145 - 1300 Lunch Lunch Lunch
1300-1330 State of EMS   AEMT Skills Derby
1330 - 1500 Controllable vs Non-Controllabe Stressors Resuscitation Moving - Perfusion AEMT Skills Derby
1500 - 1515 Break  Break AEMT Skills Derby
1515 - 1615 Field Delivery of Blood Products  How to Resuscitate an EMT AEMT Skills Derby
1615 - 1715 Exertional Heat Illness Firearm Injuries in MS AEMT Skills Derby
1715 - 1845 Vendor Social - Grand Ballroom    
2030 - 2200

President's Reception - private pool area

Wednesday, Oct 16 Main Conference Breakout Sessions Breakout Sessions
0700-0830 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
0800 - 0900 Pen to Patient (Documentation) ACLS Escape Room AEMT Skills Derby
0900 - 1000 Service 4 Success ACLS Escape Room AEMT Skills Derby
1000 - 1015 Break Break AEMT Skills Derby
1015 - 1130 Science of Snake Oil and Quack Medicine ACLS Escape - Train the Trainer AEMT Skills Derby
1130-1315 Midday Mingle - Vendor Area Midday Mingle - Vendor Area Skills Finale
1315 - 1345 MEMS Meeting    
1345 - 1445 Prehospital Stroke Assessment EZ-IO EM Sepsis   
1445 -1500 Break  Break  
1500 - 1600 Defensive Tactics for Confined Spaces Interoperability When It Counts  

